Friday, July 25, 2014

AEC 2014

The AEC was held in Palm Beach Gardens, FL at the end of May. I was kept really busy teaching classes so my ONBF (old new best friend) Beth, from the IEC, went with me to take care of things in my booth and to keep me straight. We all know who the boss is when she goes along. It isn't me. Just kidding. I don't know what I would have done without my Beth. You can tell from the picture that we were ALL working really hard the whole time.

Classes on Embird included Separation Anxiety, using Font Engine in Editor (fills) and also in Studio. Font Engine works so differently in Studio - the Pink Princess had to come in and take my place again. For some reason she thinks that she does a better job of it than I do. She does make a it a lot of fun. 

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